Looking Ahead

I had a very positive and encouraging phone call with Chris Cunningham of Basecamp Recording Studio before Christmas. His mission and my needs line up precisely. In recognizing my own limitations and seeking help, I’m allowing myself the opportunity to meet another incredible musician, bring life to songs in ways my recording skills couldn’t, and learn a TON along the way.

I don’t know what 2021 will bring but here are some of my hopes:

  1. Greater skills in both music and art.

  2. More connections with amazing and inspiring people.

  3. Financial freedom to keep pursuing my art and music in depth.

  4. More opportunities for “leaps of faith”.

I talked with a good friend a while back, seeking feedback on this big move to full time art/music. She asked me if I wanted to do my own work or commissions. After this Christmas season I can say I both love and thrive on commissions. I have ideas for my own works but I am stretched and challenged by the ideas of others. I end up making artwork I never would have imagined! So look for more of that. I will be permanently waiving the base fee for commissions as well. Let’s see what we can do together!