Follow up

Accountability! A month ago I post about getting my music out there. In the weeks directly following that I continued to put it off. It was still there but little excuses kept popping up: no time, no good space, too noisy, maybe later. Then life slapped me right in the face. No more. Enough. I hate that it takes hard times to motivate me to action but I am also thankful they do. This one really has me fired up.

I squeezed myself into my cluttered studio space in the front porch, sandwiched between a car seat and my portable heater, and I recorded. I fixed a few things, added some harmonies, changed a few lyrics. The songs are not polished and I am ok with that. They are enough to send out into the world. And I’m not stopping. I learned new things in the process and I will keep striving for more.

What is my motivation? What has me on fire? One reoccurring message that surfaces in almost every song I write. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!! Depression, sadness, grief, anxiety, loneliness, heartache, you name it…you are not alone. There is hope. There is a Light. It is real, unlike the misleading crap that is thrown at us daily. There are so many messages of hope and I want my songs to be out there fighting that fight too.

AND…I heard back from a local recording studio. We are working on setting up a meeting to discuss recording an album. We can’t do it on our own and we were not meant to. There is help for all of us in whatever circumstances we are going through. Let’s keep fighting and supporting each other till we find it!